Adoption is a loving choice that is full of options, depending on what you desire and feel comfortable with. If you’re considering adoption for your pregnancy, it’s essential to understand all you can about the process. You are not alone as you consider what’s best for you.
Read on to learn more about the options available to you in adoption and the resources available to help support you. Or, if you want to talk to someone in person about adoption, contact us today to be connected to one of our caring team members.
Types Of Adoption
The adoption process is full of options, and you can decide what you’re comfortable with. When making an adoption plan (which outlines the details of the adoption agreement), you can choose from the following types of adoption agreements:
- Open Adoption: This option is the most flexible adoption plan, and it allows you to have open communication between you and the adoptive family. You also get to decide what type of communication you prefer (in-person, video, etc.) and how often.
- Semi-Open Adoption: This option is similar to open adoption, but the communication between you and the adoptive family is mediated by a third party (like the adoption agency).
- Closed Adoption: This option is the most rigid adoption plan, and it means that you and the adoptive family have no communication. You won’t know anything about them, and they won’t know anything about you.
Is Adoption the Best Option For You?
Only you can determine whether adoption is your best option. No one would ever say choosing adoption is easy. It’s a tough decision. But you choose adoption because you care deeply for your child. You want them to have the best future possible, and sometimes that requires another family. That’s okay because you will always be a part of your child’s life story.
There’s so much more to learn about this option. If you have questions about adoption, we can help you find answers! It’s okay to ask questions and explore all of your options. We’re here…let’s talk! Contact us today.
*Alternatives Laurel Highlands Pregnancy Center does not provide or refer for abortion services. The information presented on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice.